
Yale Club Insurance Study Group, The Oldest Continuously Meeting Insurance Study Group in North America

The Yale Club Insurance Study Group (YCISG), since first formally established as a regular group in 1943, has endeavored to be at the forefront of the life insurance industry both in terms of thought leadership and best practices. As we have entered a new phase where the group is expanding its reach beyond the confines of its monthly meetings and New York City, we are providing resources for our members and others who are curious about what they can do to pursue best practices as they establish their agencies in this industry.

As you can learn by researching YCISG members, we are deeply invested in this business. We bring diverse education and professional experiences, and one thing that we all have in common is that we are deep thinkers about our industry, the impacts that evolution in law and practices have on our business, and how we can work to better understand and navigate these changing currents. 

Being well read on the life insurance industry is a must for being part of this group. To that end, we are offering a section in the pulldown menu connected to the Resources tab called Recommended Articles. In this, you will find a short description of the contents of the article and a link guiding you to it. We are not providing subscriptions to any publication, but if you subscribe you will be able to read these recommended articles. If you choose to peruse an article on a similar topic, know that it may not have the scope or impact of the piece we are recommending. 

Similarly, YCISG members will read and recommend books on the industry or to provide business insights. If we feel a book is valuable, we will provide a short review and a link to the book so members and visitors can learn if there is new and valuable knowledge being published on the industry.

The Coaching | Tips for Firms is an area where we will share general knowledge that we learn about the best methods for firms to structure their business. This isn’t mean to offer “free coaching” for specific problems, but rather a catchall for general insights that our members feel comfortable sharing. 

Staying in compliance with regulations, laws and practices is the focus of Compliance Notes. As leaders in the industry, we pride ourselves on being up to date on changes in these areas and adapting effectively to those changes.

Finally, we have noted an increase in the number of universities that are offering majors or focused programs on Insurance and Risk. Not all of these programs are going to overlap with the focus of the YCISG, but we feel that providing some insight, guidance and context for students will help to benefit the future of our industry.

We hope that the information provided in this section proves helpful to anyone who visits. Not everyone will be eligible or qualified to join the YCISG, but that should never be an obstacle for us to share our conclusions and provide guidance to those who look to us for leadership.

Yale Club Insurance Study Group, New York, NY

Membership is by invitation only from a current member. CLICK HERE to see a list of our current membership.

Yale Club Insurance Study Group, New York, NY

Membership is by invitation only from a current member. CLICK HERE to see a list of our current membership.

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