The upcoming YCISG meeting will be held both in person at The Yale Club or via Zoom on Monday, December 2nd at 5:00 p.m. ET. If you are planning to come, please RSVP below or email Norman Ross directly.
The number one item on our list of topics will be the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, and a discussion on how it may be extended by President Trump and Congressional Republicans. The current estate tax exemption is anticipated to be about $14 million under TCJA, while it would revert to $7 million if TCJA sunsets.
With this in mind, we would like people’s thoughts on how an extension of TCJA could affect life insurance and estate planning for HNW and UHNW families.
Other topics we would like to address would like to address will be the recent developments regarding PHL Variable and Fiduciary Standard. Larry Rybka recently had an insightful post on LinkedIn that discussed how PHL Variable’s deficiency has grown from a reported $900 million to about $2.1 billion in the First Accounting and Status Report issued in November.
Please join the meeting at 5 pm EST on Dec 2 if not attending in person
Meeting ID: 986 0099 9644
Passcode: 133638